Term Clarifications . . ..


New member
New Jeep girl in desperate need of help!

Well i've been wandering here and there through jeep sites and i under stand the YJ, TJ and CJ's and what the differences are. Along with MJ's and DJ's. But I dont really understand what rubicon and sahara and renegade and i believe there are a few other ones floating around. I have also heard people say something about a KJ and some other ones . . i think my dad said he seen an HJ but wasnt sure . . . Can anyone clarify these terms for me.??? ~ Justin :shock:

Stereo Idea . . .

Rubicon, Sahara, renegade, sport, X, Laredeo, are all different types of TJ"S YJ"S CJ"S
Snitty, LMAO ....hahahahahahahahaha

You can leave now .....I don't wanna talk to you anymore
Snitty ....I think you must be getting sick ...Lie down and relax for a little while ....LOL :) :) :p :) :)


Yea, i understand they were different types of YJ's, CJ's and TJ's but what were the differences . . . just the painted name on the hood of the jeep or what?? ~ Justin
CJs were the first "civilian jeeps" from years '70-'86 i believe
YJs were the wranglers with square headlights, bigger body style '87-'95
TJs changed back to round headlights '97-present
No wrangler was made in 96

Interior, role bar, windshields, engines, and wheelbase varied with these 3 types also among other things.
Rubicon, Renegade, Sahara, Sport, and X are all different trim levels. Some come with different "options" standard. And some have different interior trim and decals.

An XJ is a Cherokee
An FZ is a full size Jeep
A ZJ is a Grande Cherokee
The J's are pick up trucks

Did we miss any ?

Rob 8) :p :)

We missed the WJ. Its either the old Grand Cherokees or the new ones. With all these letters I get confused sometimes. But hey all you need to know is the YJ because they are quite simply the best jeeps around. hehe :mrgreen: j/k all jeeps are great

SJ is a fullsize Jeep, WJ is the Grand Cherokee '99 to present, older Grands are ZJ's.

The names you speak of are just trim levels of each model, mostly cosmetic, with the Rubicon having the most equipment differences between it's base model.

Little long to be mentioning the differences between each package.

Wasn't 1970 the first year they were available to the public though? Hence the name Civilian Jeep? I thought anything made before that was just for military use... I could be wrong though.
Nah, i have a 1963 CJ-5 so they been around for some time, way before the 70's. Thanks everyone, i guess the sahara,rubicon, and renegade didnt have much differences from the base models, just a few cosmetic changes here and there.

The renegade cj's came with tacs.And with the special 200 dollar decals.

D44 was an option on both the Sahara and Sport, they came standard with the D35.

Every Wrangler came with the D30 front except the Rubicon.
Don't forget the PJ of witch can be any of the above mentioned modles of jeeps. The PJ is one that never gets to go out and play off road and is squeeky clean and sort of soft. PJ = Pansey jeep, presious jeep, prissy jeep, you get my point and read between the lines for the real name here. hehehe Tug :oops: